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 Some info of the game

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Age : 46
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Some info of the game Empty
PostSubject: Some info of the game   Some info of the game I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 3:27 am


The NPC in my front use only to Broadcast items u need to sell or buy (the message in the Upper Center of ur screen) u need to pay 5m zeny or 50pcs Banknote
Dont Use BC(Broadcaster) for only personal reason (like greeting friends, Saying Bad Words to other player)

[img]Some info of the game Screen61[/img]

Where to hunt MVP Monster?

There's a NPC (MVP Room)
u can hunt card items u need drop by MVP (But Not all MVP can be find in this Room)

[img]Some info of the game Screen68[/img]

Inside of this Room u can see NPC Namely the Following:

Alpha: in this room u can hunt Mistress, Edgga, Moonlight & Maya Monster

[img]Some info of the game Screen63[/img]

Betha: Turtle General Card, Orc Hero, Orc Lord & Phreeoni Monster

[img]Some info of the game Screen64[/img]

Theta: Osiris, Doppelman, Lord of Dead & Drake Monster

[img]Some info of the game Screen65[/img]

Epsilon: Dark Lord, Pharaoh, Incarnation Samurai & Baphonet Monster

[img]Some info of the game Screen66[/img]
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