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 Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type)

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PostSubject: Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type)   Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 07, 2009 11:55 pm

Its Me Shiro Guys

Here's some information to built your sinx Char hoping u like it.


This stat is what i call "neutral stat" can be possibly win in all kinds of job but it defend in your character equipment. tongue tongue

Equipment & Card (semi/full)

Items---------- Card ---------- Map

1. Shoes -- abbey02

#+0 to +8 tidal-- Matyr Card -- moc_pryd03 & 04
#+9 to +10 tidal -- Firelock Soldier -- ama_dun01
-- Dark Lord-- pvp_n_8-5
#Diablos Boots--------------- (Event Items)
Amonra -- moc_pryd06

2. Garment -- abbey02

#Wool -- Noxious -- ein_dun01
#Diablos Manteau --------------- (Event items)
#Valkryrie manteau --------------- (Donation Items)

3. Accesories -- abbey02

# Expert ring -- Alligator-- cmd_fild01
--Horong-- pay_dun04
# Vendor's Ring -------------- (Quest)
# Clipp(2) -------------- (Quest)

4. Armor -- lhz_dun03

# Glittering Jacket -- Ghostring-- treasure02
-- Orc Lord -- pvp_n_8-3
# Valkyrie Armor ------------- (Donation Items)

Tao Gunka -- beach_dun

5, Shield -- kh_dun01
# Orleans Plate -- Horn -- mjolnir09
-- Thara Frog -- beach_dun03
-- Maya -- pvp_n_8-2
# Valkyrie Shield ------------- (Donation Items)
Golden Thief Bug-- prt_sewb4

6. Weapon -- (Quest)

# Orcish Axe(4) -- Phreeoni(3pcs) -- pvp_n_8-3
--Inc Samurai -- pvp_n_8-5
-- Hydra -- ama_fild01
--Thanatos-- (donation Items)

7. HeadGear(upper) -- (Quest)

# Alice Doll -- Dark Illusion -- gld_dun04
# Ex-Ripper --------------- (donation Items)

* Middle -- (Quest)

# Angel wing Ear --Maya Purple Card -- gld_dun03
# Evil Wing Ear
# Ex 3D --------------- (donation Items)

* Lower --(Quest)

# Pipe -- Clock Tower Manager-- c_tower03
Kiel-D01 --------------- (Donation

# Incubus wing--------------- (donation Items)

Enjoy the Game Guys![img][/img][img][/img]

Last edited by Shirokawa on Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:06 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) Empty
PostSubject: need help   Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 08, 2009 3:06 am

is it good for sinX with equips of;

headgear upper;
+4HOD--evil snak lord card

+4FOD--maya p


+7GJ--angeling card

+10ice pick--1preeoni



2orleans gloves--alligator card

thx Very Happy :lol!:
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PostSubject: Re: Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type)   Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 10:24 pm

` its me `niOk

`4 CRT typ sNx. what items will we use
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PostSubject: Re: Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type)   Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2009 11:17 pm

Dagger + shield or dual dagger have different item setting on them.

Dagger + Shield
Main Gauche[4] = Turtle General x 2, Hydra x 1, The Paper x 1 OR
Hydra x 2, The Paper x2 (If you don't want knockback effect from TG card)

Duel Dagger
Main Gauche[4] = Turtle General x 3, Skeleton Worker x 1 on first MG and
The Paper x 2, Hydra x 2 on other MG

Notice that I didn't bother putting Valkyrie Randgris card as I assume we are using normal item. It's better to have VR card in your main gauche though so that your weapon will not brake from Acid Demo skill, Melt Down effect, Tarot Card Skill (Clown / Gypsy specialty) or Whitesmith card (rich people)

Anyone want to add something else?
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PostSubject: Re: Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type)   Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2009 9:03 am

nice nice~~~

Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) 19370892
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Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type)   Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 25, 2009 8:22 am

how about the stats
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PostSubject: Re: Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type)   Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 25, 2009 8:13 pm

Which one, critical sinx or sbk sinx? If sbk sinx honestly other people have better idea than me :pale:
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PostSubject: Re: Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type)   Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2009 1:44 am

using 2 sword...

Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) 19370892
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PostSubject: Re: Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type)   Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2009 7:32 am

stats for sbk.. cuz i try to create my own 1 it doesn't seem good... dmg on LKs so low unlike others they do high dmg Crying or Very sad
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PostSubject: Re: Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type)   Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 26, 2009 8:45 pm

Your damage to LK is low because they have skill call concentration which reduce def by 25%. I assume you use Ice Pick[1] or Orcish Axe[4] with thanatos card which rely on enemy total def (armor def+vit def if not mistaken). Next time try using Incantation Samurai on your weapon, preferably Orcish Axe[4] when you meet LK.

i think your own stats for sbk right now is good, it's just that you use Ice Pick or thanatos card. Now most people have VIT around 100~120. If LK, they use concentration skill to reduce their def which is their tactic to counter Ice Pick and Thanatos user. If they use aloevera, they reduce 10% def which combine with concentration skill, for a total of 35% reduce def. if their VIT is 120, after all the reduction their VIT def become 78 and any Ice Pick or Thanatos user surely have their damage reduce by 22% (78/100) compare to using Incantation Samurai (pierce def = 100% damage) weapon.

Does this info help a bit? Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type)   Assasin Cross Stat info (soul break type) I_icon_minitime

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