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 Coins Event (Game Event)

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Age : 46
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Coins Event (Game Event) Empty
PostSubject: Coins Event (Game Event)   Coins Event (Game Event) I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 25, 2009 10:29 pm

this is how u might know if there's a coin event

u will see the Mid Guard announcement like the pic below

[img]Coins Event (Game Event) Screen82[/img]

Be Sure to type "@autoloot" to loot all items drop by monster.

u can get there by using @warp hugel (if the mid guard say it)

[img]Coins Event (Game Event) Screen83[/img]

as u can see i got only 2gold 3silver XD.

Tips Razz Razz Razz

U need to hit the monster 10times in any skill to kill it.

Hope u can join coin event but it only last seconds :lol!: :lol!: :lol!:

So i advice to real always the Broadcast.

The GM's event will be announce by the GM's responsible for the event. that event is much better than coins event just be sure u have luck :lol!: :lol!: :lol!: Having YGG Berry's is smart 1 (specially on shaddow morroc or evil encarnation monster level 500 Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
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Posts : 210
Join date : 2009-03-08
Age : 42
Location : Dunno Where

Coins Event (Game Event) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coins Event (Game Event)   Coins Event (Game Event) I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2009 9:17 pm

Im only lagging when go to Satan Morocc or Evil Incarnation Event...
Soo many ppl there..
sob sob sob~~~

Coins Event (Game Event) 19370892
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